Thursday, September 18, 2008

A word from our Executive Director

"For all that has been, I say thanks! For all that is yet to be, I say Yes!"

This "say yes" attitude was really prompted by the positive energy generated by the Vagina Monologues -even though the above quote by Dag Hammerskjold is an old favorite of mine. Our work can be challenging, frustrating and at times down right scary. But more often it is inspiring because of the incredible courage, wisdom, humor and resilience of the survivors with which we work. It is not unlike the stories Eve Ensler captures in the Vagina Monologues!

Dag Hammerskjold, former UN General Secretary was also committed to ending violence. While his sphere of influence was international and ours is local, domestic and within the context of intimate relationships, we share some common assumptions. One of which is that peacemaking is a necessary deterrent to violence and that it begins and ends with the inner journeys of each individual. As we at Clarina continue to do our work to eliminate sexual and domestic violence, my hope is that we will take the time to recognize each of our own violent tendencies and begin to root them out. That as we begin to root out our tendencies toward violence of tongue, heart and fist, we are better able to do the same within Lamoille County. Perhaps a commitment for Domestic Violence Awareness Month could be a commitment to nonviolence in the manner of Gandhi, King, and so many others.

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